Birth Doula Package - $1250
- One free initial consultation to make sure we are a good fit
- 2 prenatal visits
- Basic childbirth education
- Assistance with writing a birth plan
- "Birth Practice"
- Practicing labor and pushing positions with birth partner
- Practicing comfort techniques with birth partner
- Discussing and writing a postpartum plan, including breastfeeding if mother wants to breastfeed
- Pampering and reflexology massage visit with foot soak
- Unlimited text, phone and email contact throughout pregnancy and two weeks postpartum
- On call from 37 weeks until the birth of your baby
- Use of Lending Library
- Continuous labor support
- 1 postpartum visit
- Discussion about your birth to help with you processing your birth experience
- An hour visit where I can assist with whatever you are needed, such as: cooking, holding your baby so you can nap or shower, cleaning, playing with siblings, etc.