
Part of my role as your doula is to provide expecting parents with information so they can make conscious pregnancy, birth and postpartum decisions.

As a client you are able to check out any books from my growing lending library. My library currently contains:

Additional Online Resources:
  • Evidence Based Birth
    • The founder of Evidence Based Birth, Rebecca Dekker, created this site to provide a trusted, non-biased source for the most current, evidence-based information on pregnancy and childbirth.
  • The Brewer Pregnancy Diet
    • Not sure of the best way to eat when pregnant? The Brewer's Diet is a well known pregnancy diet that has shown to reduce complications such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia, and HELLP syndrome.
  • KellyMom Breastfeeding and Parenting
    • KellyMom covers all things breastfeeding including ways to prepare during pregnancy and can help if you have any concerns in your breastfeeding journey. KellyMom also provides information on pumping, breastfeeding for working mothers, and eventual weaning.
  • The Emily Effect
    • This foundation was created by a family of a woman that took her life due to PPD and PPA. The foundation's purpose is to end the stigma of these postpartum mental illnesses.
  • LactMed
    • If you're a breastfeeding/bottle feeding breastmilk and wondering if it's safe for you to take a certain medication this is the site for you! LactMed also suggests breastfeeding safe therapeutic alternatives to some medications.

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